Common Verbs in the Arabic Language



Arabic, a rich and expressive language, boasts a wide range of verbs that are essential for everyday communication. Understanding these common verbs is crucial for anyone learning the language, as they form the backbone of most sentences. In this article, we’ll explore some of the most frequently used Arabic verbs, their meanings, and how they are used in context.


  1. كانَ (kāna) – To Be

One of the most fundamental verbs in Arabic, “كانَ” is the equivalent of the English verb “to be.” It is commonly used in past tense to describe a state or condition:

– Example: كان الجو حاراً. (kāna al-jaw ḥāran.) – The weather was hot.


  1. ذهبَ (dhahaba) – To Go

“ذهبَ” is another essential verb, meaning “to go.” It is frequently used to describe movement from one place to another:

– Example: ذهبت إلى السوق. (dhahabtu ilā al-sūq.) – I went to the market.


  1. أكلَ (akala) – To Eat

Eating is a universal human activity, and in Arabic, “أكلَ” is the verb used to describe this action:

– Example: أكلتُ الفطور. (akaltu al-faṭūr.) – I ate breakfast.


  1. شربَ (shariba) – To Drink

Complementing “أكلَ,” the verb “شربَ” is used to describe drinking:

– Example: شربتُ الماء. (sharibtu al-mā’) – I drank water.


  1. رأى (ra’ā) – To See

The verb “رأى” means “to see” and is frequently used in both literal and metaphorical contexts:

– Example: رأيتُ القمر. (ra’aytu al-qamar.) – I saw the moon.


  1. سَمِعَ (sami’a) – To Hear

“سَمِعَ” is the verb used for hearing or listening:

– Example: سَمِعْتُ الخبر. (sami’tu al-khabar.) – I heard the news.


  1. عَرَفَ (ʿarafa) – To Know

Knowledge and recognition are expressed through the verb “عَرَفَ”:

– Example: عرفتُ الجواب. (ʿaraftu al-jawāb.) – I knew the answer.


  1. فعلَ (faʿala) – To Do

The verb “فعلَ” is a versatile verb that can be translated as “to do” or “to make”:

– Example: فعلتُ الواجب. (faʿaltu al-wājib.) – I did the homework.


  1. قالَ (qāla) – To Say

Communication in Arabic often involves the verb “قالَ,” meaning “to say”:

– Example: قالَ الحقيقة. (qāla al-ḥaqīqah.) – He said the truth.


  1. كتبَ (kataba) – To Write

Writing is a key skill, and “كتبَ” is the verb used to describe it:

– Example: كتبتُ رسالة. (katabtu risālah.) – I wrote a letter.


Usage and Conjugation

Arabic verbs conjugate based on the subject (first, second, or third person) and the tense (past, present, or future). For example, the verb “ذهب” (to go) is conjugated as follows in the past tense:


– I went: ذهبتُ (dhahabtu)

– You (m.) went: ذهبتَ (dhahabta)

– He went: ذهبَ (dhahaba)


In the present tense, it conjugates to:

– I go: أذهب (adhhab)

– You (m.) go: تذهب (tadhhab)

– He goes: يذهب (yadhhab)



Mastering common verbs in Arabic is a significant step toward fluency. These verbs are integral to daily conversations and provide the foundation for more complex expressions. Whether you’re just beginning your Arabic journey or looking to refine your skills, focusing on these verbs will enhance your ability to communicate effectively in the language.

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