Learning Arabic for Understanding the Quran
The Importance of Learning Arabic for Understanding the Quran The Quran, the holy book of Islam, holds a special place in the hearts of over 1.8 billion Muslims around the world. It is considered the literal word of God as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) over 1,400 years ago. Its verses […]
Top 19 Effective Strategies for Mastering the Arabic Language
Top 19 Effective Strategies for Mastering the Arabic Language Arabic, a rich language steeped in history, offers a unique challenge for language enthusiasts. While its grammar rules and pronunciation can be complex, adopting the right learning strategies can simplify the process. Whether you’re setting out on this linguistic journey individually or as a family, here’s […]
Verbs with fixed prepositions | Arabic free courses
Verbs with Fixed Prepositions in Arabic Verbs with fixed prepositions are a category of verbs that are commonly paired with specific prepositions, forming an integral part of their object. These prepositions, when combined with these verbs, often imbue the verb with nuanced and distinct meanings. 1. Exploring Verbs with Fixed Prepositions – قَضَ The verb […]
Simple Nominal Sentence in Arabic – الجُمْلَةُ الاسْمِيَّة – Arabic free Course
Simple Nominal Sentence in Arabic – الجُمْلَةُ الاسْمِيَّة Introduction In Arabic nominal sentences, two primary elements are present: the subject and the predicate. The subject is termed as ‘اَلْمُبْتَدَأُ’, while the predicate is referred to as ‘اَلْخَبَرُ’. Consider the sentence: ‘مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُولٌ’, translated as ‘Muhammad is a messenger.’ In this instance, ‘مُحَمَّدٌ’ acts as the […]
Descriptive phrase in Arabic – الْمُركَّبُ التَّوْصِيْفِي | Arabic Free Course
Descriptive phrase in Arabic – الْمُركَّبُ التَّوْصِيْفِي Introduction In Arabic, the descriptive phrase pairs two nouns, with the second acting as an adjective that elucidates the nature of the first. Within this structure, the primary noun, the one being described, is referred to as: اَلْمَنْعُوتُ or اَلْمَوْصُوفُ. Subsequently, the second noun, which functions […]
Possessive phrase in Arabic – اَلْمُرَّكَبُ الإِضافِي | Arabic Free Course
Possessive phrase in Arabic – اَلْمُرَّكَبُ الإِضافِي Introduction In Arabic, the possessive phrase represents a union of two nouns. The first noun signifies the object being owned, while the second noun denotes the possessor or owner. Together, they convey a relationship of ownership or affiliation. Examples: نَارُ اللَّهِ Allah’s fire/fire of Allah […]
Interrogative pronouns in Arabic – اِسْمُ الإِسْتِفْهِامِ | Arabic Free Course
Interrogative pronouns in Arabic – اِسْمُ الإِسْتِفْهِامِ Introduction In Arabic, words that initiate sentences to pose questions are termed as ‘interrogative pronouns’. These essential linguistic tools facilitate inquiry and drive understanding within conversations. 1. Interrogative Pronouns in Arabic: Paving the Way for Inquiries and Understanding What مَاذَا / مَا Why […]